

«Альянс Россия – Франция [Alliance Rossiya-Frantsia] : entente musicale», creative research and performing union (since 2021)

World culture is a single environmental space, an ecosystem in which everything is interconnected and interactive. The subject of this research is a dialogue between French culture Russian cultures, examining the parallels and connective threads in musical arts across both countries and the way they interact within this ecosystem. The purpose of this project is to facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of both country’s musical heritage and culture. We begin by referring to the names of French composers whose heritage is culturally and historically significant, but at this point are not familiar with Russian interpretations, which are not represented in concert programs or featured in fragments. To choose an appropriate method for incorporating this heritage into the modern musical cultural context, we have created conceptual dialogues intended for artists and music lovers of both countries. These dialogues combine the joys of recognition and discovery for audiences of both countries: our concepts include not only opuses from French composers frequently seen in Russian programmes, but also specimens from repertoire areas of the Russian musical heritage that have not yet been revealed to French listeners and artists in all their beauty and significance. 

The project has been formally recognized by the French Cultural Attaché in Russia Elizabeth BRAOUN, the Vice-President of the Franco-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Gilles CHENESSEAU, the Moscow Conservatory, the Association of Tchaikovsky Competition Stars, the Vladimir Spivakov International Charity Foundation, la Renaissance Française, etc.